Religious education

REligious Education KS3 Charity
Assessment pack- SOW, Learning Plan, End and Mid-topic assessment, Assessment prep lesson.
Causes of poverty;
Christian teachings- Sermon on the Mount;
Christian teachings- Sheep and Goats;
Christian Aid;
CAFOD (x2)
Send my friend to school (x2)
St Francis House;

Religious Education KS3 Assessment Bundle- Charity
SOW on charity;
Skills based Assessment with Self assessment and teacher comments;
Mid topic Assessment lesson;
Assessment preparation lesson;
Learning programme and homework

KS3 Charity- Water Aid
To recognise the work that WaterAid do;
To describe why lack of water is an issue in the world;
To explain the importance of the role of WaterAid in ensuring people have access to clean water

KS3 Charity- Christian Aid
Lesson Objectives:
To know what the aims of Christian Aid are;
To understand how these reflect the teachings of Jesus;
To describe the work of Christian Aid.

KS3 Charity- Send my Friend to School 1&2
Lesson Objectives:
To understand the main aims of this charity;
To consider why education is important;
To explain why all children should have access to an education.

KS3 Charity- St Francis House
Lesson Objectives:
To know who St Francis house helps;
To describe the work of St Francis House;
To explain why their work is important.

KS3 Charity- The SVP
Lesson Objectives:
To understand why the SVP was established;
To describe the work of the SVP;
To explain why the SVP are important.

KS3 Charity- Who are CAFOD and impact of CAFOD
Two lessons on CAFOD
To know who CAFOD are;
To explore the work of CAFOD
To evaluate the impact of CAFOD.

KS3 Charity- Christian Teachings, Sermon on the Mount
To know Christian teachings on money;
To describe what Jesus taught about money at the Sermon on the Mount;
To explain the importance of the Sermon on the Mount as a guide.

KS3 Charity- Christian Teachings. The Sermon on the Mount
Lesson Objectives:
To know Christian teachings on money;
To describe what Jesus taught about money at the Sermon on the Mount;
To explain the importance of the Sermon on the Mount as a guide.

KS3 Charity- Christian Teachings. The sheep and Goats
To know the parable of the sheep and Goats;
To consider how we can apply Jesus’ message to our lives.

KS3 Charity- The causes of world poverty
Lesson Objectives:
To understand what poverty means;
To describe the poverty cycle;
To evaluate the causes of world poverty.

KS3 Islam
Bundle includes:
PowerPoints on
- Introduction
-5 Pillars
Learning Programme (Inc Homework)
Mid Topic Assessment
End of topic Assessment
End of topic Assessment preparation lesson

KS3 Islam- Marriage
To describe what happens during the Islamic marriage ceremony;
To explain why the marriage ceremony is important in Islam;
To evaluate the significance of a religious wedding ceremony

KS3 Islam- Birth
To state how Muslims welcome a baby into the world;
To describe why this is important.

KS3 Islam - Ramadan
To know what Ramadan is;
To explore what Muslim people do during Ramadan;
To explain why Ramadan and Eid are important.

KS3 Islam- Muhammad
Lesson Objectives:
To know who Muhammad is (pbuh);
To describe the early life of Muhammad;
To explain how a Muslim can be influenced by Muhammad (pbuh).

KS3 Islam- The Qur'an
Lesson Objective:
To know what the Qur’an is;
To describe the main features of the Qur’an;
To explain why the Qur’an is important to Muslims.

KS3 Islam- Salat (Prayer)
Lesson Objectives:
To know why prayer is important to Muslims
To understand how the ritual of prayer can have meaning for Muslims.
To explain how prayer can express and reveal important beliefs.

KS3 Islam- The Mosque
Lesson Objective:
To know what a Mosque is;
To describe the main features of the mosque;
To explain why this is important to Muslims